Configuring Named credentials using OAuth

If in any use case user wants to connect from one salesforce org to another salesforce and doesn’t want to store salesforce username/password then below configuration procedure helps.

Highlevel steps

  1. Configure Authentication App in Salesforce ( Here Salesforce Org serves as Authentication Provider )
  2. Configure Auth Provider in Salesforce Client Org ( From here you will be connecting to other salesforce org , for instance via web service call )
  3.  Create Named credentials


Salesforce (Client) -> Salesforce(Authorization Server)

Salesforce Configuration as Authorization Server

Click on App->Go to Connected Apps Section ->

Connected App -> OAuth Settings


Save Settings


We need Consumer Key & Consumer Secret to provide it at the client side


Salesforce Client Settings

Do not forget to click on the link “Automatically create a registration handler template”

Save, Copy callback URL and paste it into Authorization Salesforce callback where we added









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